- 4.1 Can I remove my business page from Reviewbah?
- 4.2 Can I report a business if I think it’s unlicensed?
- 4.3 Can I report a business that is trying to pay people to write positive reviews?
- 4.4 Can I sue Reviewbah for a bad review?
- 4.5 Does Reviewbah extort small businesses?
- 4.6 How can law enforcement officials get in touch with Reviewbah?
- 4.7 How do I report content that violates Reviewbah’s Content Guidelines or Terms of Service?
- 4.8 How do I report someone who is harassing me on Reviewbah?
- 4.9 How do I report someone who is harassing me outside of Reviewbah?
- 4.10 Is Reviewbah responsible for content posted by its users?
- 4.11 What should I do if a business pressures or pays me to change or remove my negative review?
- 4.12 What should I do if a reviewer demands payment in exchange for removing a negative review?
- 4.13 What should I do if another business is using my trademarked business name?
- 4.14 Will Reviewbah remove a false or defamatory review?
- 4.15 Will Reviewbah remove my business page if I’ve trademarked the name of my business?